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From Star of Hope Blogs
October 11th, 2024
I can’t write today’s blog without mentioning the loss of our colleague, Vivian Winslow. Vivian passed away very suddenly a few weeks ago, and the team here at Star of Hope has felt her loss terribly. With her unwavering dedication, Vivian was a beacon of hope for many here at Star of Hope, just as […]
September 26th, 2024
Not every day goes well. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try or how smart you think your ideas are, it does not work. The world, which is not perfect, gets its say on my happiness and encouragement. This morning, I spoke at the morning prayer and worship service at the Men’s Development Center downtown. […]
September 12th, 2024
I have had a couple of people say they have enjoyed my first impressions of Star of Hope. It is a wonderful place, full of people who love our Lord and are committed to Houston’s least and lost. And make no mistake, for the most part the world does not care about the clients served […]
August 29th, 2024
As I listen to them, the stories our clients tell have four themes: loss, abandonment, addiction, and abuse. Our clients feel abandoned by society and unseen and tell stories of life that overlooked and passed them by. As Christians, we hear these stories and say, this is not the way life is supposed to be, […]
August 15th, 2024
Like many of you, we have been in the middle of back-to-school mode at the Women and Family Development Center over the last couple of weeks. This season has given me the first opportunity to see our incredible volunteers and supporters in action assisting and encouraging our staff and residents during this hectic time. Our […]
August 1st, 2024
First impressions – this time of graduation and commencement. People say all sorts of things at commencement don’t they? Sometimes helpful, occasionally insightful, more often long, and a little boring. Imagine being at a commencement where speeches left you on the edge of your seat or were so wonderful they moved you to tears or […]
July 18th, 2024
I am still getting my first impressions. One powerful impression is I did not know enough about the suffering of the homeless in our midst. If you are like me and know only of homelessness in the abstract being close to it can be disorientating. The problem, when you see it in a human being […]
July 4th, 2024
Many who come to Star of Hope seek a fresh start after years of struggling to find the right path. Teira grew up believing she was unworthy of being the person God created her to be. Without the care and guidance she needed, she lost sight of what she truly deserved. This is her story: […]
June 27th, 2024
Last time, I mentioned that the new CEO has the advantage of seeing things for the first time. Soon, that benefit recedes, but in the meantime, some things that may have become commonplace for others are in stark relief. As Christians in the West, we talk about the Spirit some, even spiritual warfare on occasion, […]
June 13th, 2024
Amid the work and chaos of starting a new job, the new employee is given the gift of a first look. We only have that opportunity once, so it is precious, and we felt it would be good to share with you a look at the Star of Hope from a fresh pair of eyes. […]
May 30th, 2024
About 16 years ago, a ministry search firm approached me and asked if I’d be interested in being considered for the CEO position at Star of Hope. I was amazed and my mind began to swirl with the idea.   You see, over the 4-6 months prior, my family and I had been experiencing some […]
May 16th, 2024
Earlier this month, we were able to bless mothers at Star of Hope through a Mom’s Matter celebration put together by Trees of Hope! It was a wonderful time of fellowship as the women could gather with one another and share their own unique stories of motherhood. The event was an incredible success. Trees of […]
May 2nd, 2024
Many who come to the doors of our mission are struggling in some way, needing a guiding hand to bring them out of the darkness. They come here because they have reached rock bottom, and Star of Hope provides them the tools to get back on their feet. For Michael, his struggle with addiction and […]
April 18th, 2024
April is a special time at Star of Hope as we honor the incredible volunteers who serve throughout the year. Volunteer Appreciation Month is a time to show our deepest gratitude to those who have spent countless volunteer hours supporting our mission. Join us next month as we honor Donna Grehn, a long-time supporter of […]
April 4th, 2024
Staff and residents recently celebrated Easter at Star of Hope. It was a time of fellowship and celebration of Christ’s resurrection, and it was a reminder that as we honor this ultimate sacrifice, we must not forget those who have sacrificed their old lives to seek revival and receive the help they so desperately need. […]
March 21st, 2024
Children and teens at Star of Hope recently enjoyed Spring Break at the Women and Family Development Center! In the past, our Children and Youth Ministry staff have blessed the children with trips to the Houston Zoo and Wildlife Park, where they saw giraffes, gorillas and much more wildlife, among many other wonderful experiences. This […]
March 7th, 2024
Many who are lost and hurting find their way to Star of Hope. They arrive seeking shelter but discover so much more. For Luke, a former Star of Hope resident, his faith was second to his addiction and the dangerous lifestyle he was living. That is, until the Lord appeared to him in a moment […]
February 22nd, 2024
It can be challenging to break away from sin when it has become a stronghold. Sometimes, the most challenging yet rewarding decision we can make is to follow the Lord’s path, no matter how hard it may seem. The story shared by Timika, a Star of Hope alumna, is a testament to how God is […]
January 25th, 2024
I am so excited about the upcoming “Forever” Star of Hope Annual Banquet! It will be held Friday, February 16, 2024, at the Hilton Americas-Houston Hotel. I sincerely hope you will join me for this special night. I want to thank our Host Committee Chairs, Cathy and David Finck, for serving as ambassadors for this […]
January 11th, 2024
As we approach a new year, I am reminded of everything I am thankful for. It is a blessing to serve Christ at Star of Hope and witness the life change happening every day. Many who come here have carried the pain of their childhood with them for years. For Jacora, facing the world without […]
November 16th, 2023
Each year, as we approach the holiday season, I remind myself of everything I am thankful for. It is a blessing to serve Christ at Star of Hope and to witness the life change happening every day. Many who come to our doors are in need of guidance after years lost to addiction. For Timothy, […]
October 12th, 2023
Many who come to Star of Hope have lost themselves to the ways of the world. They arrive seeking the guidance they have longed for in their lives. Wynter struggled to find who she was on her own after the passing of a beloved family member. After losing her way, she came to Star of […]
September 28th, 2023
I am blessed to say that Star of Hope has recently celebrated six years of providing life-changing services at the Women and Family Development Center at our Cornerstone Community® transformational campus! We opened our doors in August of 2017; in that time, the Lord has done incredible things. I continue to feel more and more […]
September 14th, 2023
Many who enter the doors of Star of Hope are looking to heal from painful memories of the past. Lacking a father’s love led Jose down a dark path as a teen. Without a spiritual and earthly father, he turned to drugs and alcohol. This is his story: I was born and raised in Southern […]
August 31st, 2023
A new school year is beginning across the city! That excited feeling of starting school is special for so many of usꟷour own memories of picking out school supplies and shoes for the year, and for some of us, sharing that same excitement with our children and grandchildren when they start school. However, for homeless […]
August 17th, 2023
At Star of Hope, many who come here are hurting and suffering from painful memories of their past. We have all known and experienced grief at one time in our lives. For David, losing his wife caused him to retreat into a dark spiral – until he found his way to Christ. This is his […]
August 3rd, 2023
This past June, we were blessed to have our largest graduating class ever at the Women and Family Development Center! Reflecting on this amazing achievement, I am reminded of the strength and resilience of every resident who has graduated from our programs. Many who have come to Star of Hope arrived at our doors broken […]
July 27th, 2023
Summer may almost be over, but children at Star of Hope are still celebrating! Before the school year begins, children can enjoy their time off and get more time for fun. Next week our Star of Hope children will be heading to camp, where they will spend time fishing, swimming, ziplining and participating in activities that will […]
July 13th, 2023
I believe that God is watching over every one of us. In both the good and challenging times, He is there to guide us. Many who come to Star of Hope are in search of the Lord, having suffered alone for most of their lives. For Sophia, her abusive past caused her to feel alone […]
June 29th, 2023
Tomorrow marks 116 years of Star of Hope’s life-changing work! It is a day we can celebrate another year of strengthening our community by helping our neighbors in need. The Lord has done incredible work during this time, and we pray He will continue to bless our shared ministry for many years. Ever since Star […]
May 31st, 2023
Many who arrive at our doors come to Star of Hope feeling alone and forgotten. The pain of their past has caused them to feel abandoned by the world, but God is there to lift them up! James had a difficult childhood, leading him to believe he was invisible to those who should have cared […]
May 18th, 2023
Reflecting on the recent National Day of Prayer, I am reminded how your continued prayers have blessed many lives at Star of Hope. The Lord has provided strength to those who have felt weak and broken. Many who come to our doors are lost, searching for a form of healing only God can provide. Andoneisha […]
May 4th, 2023
As Mother’s Day approaches, I am reminded of the many women who have come to Star of Hope to provide a better life for their children. We see the work they have done, and with the help of Trees of Hope friends group, we were able to honor these mothers with the Moms Matter special […]
April 27th, 2023
We all have struggled to find hope in our circumstances at one point in our lives. In those times, we must remember that there is hope in the Lord! For Bethanie, childhood circumstances and past traumas made her feel hopeless and alone. This is her story: My life has been anything but easy. My father’s […]
April 13th, 2023
Many of you may not know that April is Volunteer Appreciation Month. It is a time to give thanks and celebrate our incredible volunteers at Star of Hope Mission. In 2022, our faithful volunteers served 28,834 hours. These hours played a vital role in the success of our organization. The reasons why people volunteer may […]
March 30th, 2023
Those who have lost themselves to their demons enter the doors of Star of Hope hoping to build a better life. For David, a current Star of Hope resident, his life had become a rollercoaster of promising futures and absolute lows due to drug addiction and mental health issues. His story is a testament to […]
March 2nd, 2023
We all have struggled to believe in God’s plan for our lives at one time or another. Those who have lost their way and their faith come to Star of Hope Mission to find their purpose. The story shared by Keisha, a Star of Hope alumna, is a testament to the Lord’s work in our […]
February 16th, 2023
Last month, the children at our Women and Family Development Center were blessed with new shoes courtesy of Trees of Hope, a nonprofit supporting the Children’s Critical Care Fund at Star of Hope Mission. The Trees of Hope Jr. Board members, comprised of all the children from the Trees of Hope Board of Trustees and […]
February 2nd, 2023
When we come upon hard times, it is easy to get lost in our pain. In our darkest moments we must choose to seek the Lord. Like many who have struggled with grief, Jacob was lost to his demons. His past experiences left him depressed and broken but soon he found his purpose through faith […]
January 12th, 2023
Many people think of the new year as a new opportunity for growth. You may envision the beginning of a new year as a time to reset, refresh and refocus on what is most important in your life. Having your best year starts by knowing you are made new through Jesus Christ. Residents at Star […]
November 17th, 2022
When we run from our pain, we are ultimately running from the Lord. Though we may go through trials in our lives, we can trust in God to deliver us from the darkness. Growing up in an abusive home, Lizmarie believed running was her only choice to escape her demons. This is her story: I […]
October 13th, 2022
I believe God has an ultimate plan for each of our lives. Though we may go through hardships, I am blessed to see His handiwork every day at Star of Hope. Those in need come to us in search of God’s help, those like Shawn, who grew up in an abusive, unhealthy home. This is […]
September 29th, 2022
When we are feeling lonely and hopeless, God is there to provide for us. Our darkest moments are when we must choose to seek Him first. Like many of us who have experienced challenging times, Brittney felt she was at a crossroads. She was lost in her pain and turned away from the Lord. Then, […]
September 15th, 2022
Sometimes we can become lost in the ways of the world and search for things only the Lord can provide. Through God’s glory, I have been blessed to witness His work in thousands of lives. At Star of Hope we help guide those who are lost and hurting, looking for a place to heal. For […]
September 1st, 2022
It is back-to-school time for the children at Star of Hope! The first day of classes can be an exciting time, but it can also be stressful for those parents without the means to buy proper school supplies or even the simplest things like new uniforms or the right-sized shoe. Thankfully, we have the support […]
August 18th, 2022
Hurting people come to the doors of Star of Hope in need of a hot meal and a safe place to stay. As I think back on the individuals we have been blessed to serve, I am reminded of God’s grace. He can change any life no matter the circumstance. God uses us as a […]
August 4th, 2022
Life can provide us with many obstacles, sometimes these challenges cause us to become lost. At Star of Hope, we help homeless men, women and children find the right path in life and become closer to God. You and your support make a difference in their lives. A resident by the name of Kathryn was […]
July 28th, 2022
Summer is here! For children, that means a break from school and more time for fun in the sun! Next week our Star of Hope children will be heading to camp where they will spend time fishing, swimming, ziplining and participating in activities that will share the truth of the Gospel and teach the children […]
July 14th, 2022
We all experience tough times in our lives … but, when we trust in Christ, He brings us hope, and His word gives us strength. Some people who enter the doors of Star of Hope Mission have lost all hope and are in need of a relationship with God. A woman by the name of […]
June 30th, 2022
Today is Star of Hope’s 115th Anniversary … a day when we get to celebrate 115 years of this life-changing mission! Ever since Star of Hope first opened its doors, it has become a light in the lives of the brokenhearted and has helped the lost and hurting find true life and faith in Jesus […]
June 14th, 2022
Sunday is Father’s Day a wonderful time to reflect on God our Father and give honor to Him. Being a father isn’t easy, but God is always there to help fathers and all men who serve as father figures. A man by the name of Christopher struggled with being a father, but a new relationship […]
June 2nd, 2022
It’s easy to lose control when you don’t have God in your life. At Star of Hope we help individuals who are angry, hurt, and in need of support to get back on their feet and give their burdens to God. Our hope is that they regain control of their lives even when most of […]
May 19th, 2022
Have you ever fallen on hard times and felt alone? I believe God allows us to go through storms in order to strengthen us and draw us closer to Him. Many of the residents at Star of Hope Mission have fallen on hard times, in need of hope and a savior. They come to our […]
May 2nd, 2022
As Mother’s Day approaches, I think of the loving and selfless hearts of many mothers at Star of Hope. This is a special time to celebrate and honor all moms and women who serve as mother figures in our lives. I am thankful to Trees of Hope for holding its Moms Matter campaign and raising […]
April 14th, 2022
I hope you had a wonderful Holy Week! Easter is on Sunday, and this is a wonderful time to reflect on God’s sacrifice and love for us. At Star of Hope, our residents are overjoyed to celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ! This moment reminds them that no matter how hard things get […]
April 7th, 2022
God touches lives at Star of Hope Mission. People enter our doors because they are tired of living in misery apart from God. Through personal development programs, worship services, Bible studies and prayer, our residents turn their lives around. Their physical needs are met, and they can lead successful lives. The story shared by Guadalupe, […]
March 9th, 2022
We all have our own rescue story of how God saved our lives. Those who are broken and in need of hope have experienced God bringing them out of darkness and leading them to Star of Hope Mission. Coming here helps our residents receive the help they need to overcome their addictions and achieve independent living. […]
March 4th, 2022
At our most recent Women and Family Development Center’s commencement ceremony, we celebrated nine women who completed various educational programs at Star of Hope Mission. This is a huge accomplishment for our residents, and we are truly proud of how hard they work towards making positive life changes. With the help of our staff and volunteers, the […]
February 17th, 2022
At Star of Hope Mission, we meet people in search of hope. As we provide them with support and opportunities to become more stable, we also teach them how to build a strong relationship with Jesus Christ. That is how we truly bring change to the lives of those we serve. A woman by the […]
February 10th, 2022
Recently, the children living at the Women & Family Development Center at Star of Hope’s Cornerstone Community® campus were blessed to have Trees of Hope, a not-for-profit dedicated to supporting Star of Hope’s Children’s Critical Care Fund, provide them with brand new shoes for school! Many of our children have never owned a new pair […]
January 26th, 2022
Last week, at the Doris and Carloss Morris Men’s Development Center’s commencement ceremony, we were blessed to celebrate these eight men who were recognized for completing one or more of our long-term recovery programs. During these events the men share testimonies of what brought them to Star of Hope. As I listened to each of […]
January 13th, 2022
The Star of Hope Annual Banquet, “Our Rescue Story,” will be held Friday, February 25, 2022 at the Hilton Americas-Houston Hotel. This year Star of Hope will celebrate its 115th Anniversary, and I hope you will join us for this special evening of worship and celebration! I would like to thank our Presenting Sponsors, The […]
November 19th, 2021
Our volunteers make a positive impact at the Star of Hope! They are the hands and feet of Jesus to help us serve those in need, and we are blessed to have them back in our facilities. They are excited to be serving alongside our staff once again! Volunteers are an important part of the Star […]
October 12th, 2021
Star of Hope Mission works towards getting homeless men, women and children on the right path in life and closer to God. With your support, we make a difference in their lives. The road to success is not an easy one, but our residents learn to give their burdens to Christ, and they trust that […]
September 30th, 2021
At Star of Hope Mission, people come to our doors everyday with broken spirits. They deal with life struggles and failures, which weigh heavy on their hearts. God brings them here to improve their lives. A resident by the name of Christopher needed help, and God knew just what to do. This is his story: […]
September 16th, 2021
There is no challenge that is too great for God. The fear of failing may be our weakness, but thankfully we have God’s strength to get us through tough times. A resident by the name of NaToya, was worried that her journey to success would be too difficult to achieve. But, her will to persevere […]
September 1st, 2021
Children at Star of Hope Mission are back at school! These first days of school represent new beginnings, and it is an exciting time for them. When homeless children enter the new school year, they have little to no school supplies and uniforms. Not only is it hard on them, but our parents struggle to […]
August 18th, 2021
God is always present … even at the lowest points of our lives. Many people enter our doors lacking a relationship with God and battle with the desires of their flesh. They believe they are alone in their struggles and stray away from the teachings of His word. A man named Ernest fought with addiction […]
August 3rd, 2021
Last week, the children at Star of Hope Mission had an awesome time in the sun with summer camp festivities! This is an opportunity for our children to experience new things and most importantly grow in their relationship with Christ. It was a fantastic way to end their summer before heading back to school. With […]
July 28th, 2021
At Star of Hope Mission, we strive to meet the needs of people who are hurting, homeless and in search of hope. We help them build a strong relationship with God while providing them with new opportunities and resources for growth. Our residents work toward living a self-sufficient life but need assistance along the way. […]
July 15th, 2021
We all experience tough times in our lives … when it seems like the storm will never end. But, when we trust in Christ, He brings us hope, and His word gives us strength. Some people who enter the doors of Star of Hope Mission have lost all hope and are in need of a […]
June 29th, 2021
Today marks 114 years since Star of Hope Mission began its life-changing work in 1907! Early in the 20th century, the homeless population was growing in Houston, and there was a dire need for a Christ-centered rescue mission. God had something great in store and used a Baptist minister by the name of Reverend Dennis […]
June 24th, 2021
Making decisions can be hard to do if we do not have God as our foundation. We need His guidance to follow the right path. At Star of Hope Mission, we help our residents grow in their walk with Christ and teach them to lean on His word. A woman by the name of Roshell […]
June 10th, 2021
Father’s Day is on Sunday! This is a wonderful time to reflect on our Heavenly Father and give honor to His name. For many fathers and all men who serve as father figures in our lives, God has been a great example of what it looks like to guide and care for others. Being a […]
June 1st, 2021
Life comes at us fast, and it is easy to lose control when you don’t have God as your foundation. At Star of Hope, we encounter many who are angry and hurt, and in need of support. We help our residents get back on their feet and give their burdens to God. Our hope is […]
May 7th, 2021
Mother’s Day is on Sunday! This is a special time to show appreciation to our moms and all women who serve as mother figures in our lives. In preparation for this day, the mothers at Star of Hope Mission were celebrated by Trees for Hope, which has been supporting Star of Hope families for more […]
April 26th, 2021
Everyone has their breaking point. Sometimes it’s needed in order to remove you from bad situations and allow God to take over. At Star of Hope Mission, we strive to bring change to the lives of those in need. A resident by the name of Evelyn had a wake-up call. She ended a bad marriage […]
April 15th, 2021
Each day God gives us an opportunity to make the right decision. Through life’s ups and downs we are called to stand on His word to renew our strength, but sometimes people find it difficult to be after God’s own heart, when their own heart needs restoration. A resident by the name of Joshua gave […]
April 1st, 2021
Easter reminds me of the love God has for us. His sacrifice on the cross is a prime example of how much God truly cares and inspires me to share His unconditional love with others. Changing the lives of those we serve at Star of Hope, in need of guidance and a relationship with Him, […]
February 25th, 2021
Following the unexpected winter storm, I pray you are doing well. Like so many, last week was also a challenge at Star of Hope. Thanks to our amazing staff, we were able to remain open 24×7 throughout the week, and our residents were grateful to have a safe place to make it through the week. […]
November 19th, 2020
Thanksgiving is next week! Although this year’s holiday season will be celebrated differently, there are still many reasons to be thankful. What is it that you are thankful for? One thing I am thankful for is that God has sustained the Star of Hope and its residents during these uncertain times. Many come to our […]
October 14th, 2020
God is at work at Star of Hope! Many of our residents come to our doors in need of food and shelter, but they leave with so much more. We provide the homeless with educational, personal development and biblical classes that help them get on their feet, make positive life changes, and most importantly build […]
September 29th, 2020
Life has its ups and downs. Even at our worst, God meets us exactly where we are, to bring us out of the darkness. Many of our residents have given up on life until they come to Star of Hope. We offer them hope and a future, greater career opportunities, and most importantly, a new […]
September 15th, 2020
When someone is lost and in search of hope, it is important to go to God for guidance and understanding. Especially during these trying times. Hearing God’s voice is not easy when we are focused on our own desires, and this often leads us down the wrong path. Fortunately, God places people in our lives […]
September 3rd, 2020
We are gearing up for Back-to-School! Preparing for a new school year has been a different experience, but we are working to keep this school year as normal as possible for children at the Star of Hope. When homeless children enter the new school year with little to no school supplies and uniforms, they have […]
August 21st, 2020
Hurting people come to the doors of Star of Hope in need of a hot meal and a safe place to stay. During these unprecedented times, we are working twice as hard to provide food and shelter to the least of these. As I think back on the residents we have been blessed to serve, […]
August 4th, 2020
At the Star of Hope, summer camp is an exciting opportunity for the children at our Women and Family Development Center to explore the outdoors and learn about Jesus Christ! Camp for these kids is such a blessing, for many it is their first outdoors experience. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we had to cancel this […]
July 29th, 2020
Every year, Star of Hope’s Youth Ministry holds a graduation celebration for the teens who have finished high school, and are entering a new stage in life. Unfortunately, this year’s celebration had to be canceled due to COVID-19. That did not stop our wonderful Youth Ministry staff from finding a way to show our graduates […]
July 15th, 2020
During these unprecedented times, Star of Hope is still actively serving Houston’s homeless men, women, and children. As we all navigate through the many changes our world is facing, thank you for remembering our mission and those we serve … the less fortunate who have no place to go and turn to the Star of […]
July 1st, 2020
On July 1st 1907 the Star of Hope Mission was chartered as a Christ-centered rescue mission for the homeless of Houston, and 113 years later, we are still serving those who need it most. Throughout the years we have been a shelter for those seeking a new start and true-life change. Today, with your generous […]
June 24th, 2020
We pray you are doing well during the current worldwide events. Here at the Star of Hope, we are continuing to serve the homeless men, women, and children who are calling Star of Hope home during this unprecedented time. As we continue to take all of the necessary precautions to provide a safe environment for […]
June 18th, 2020
This Sunday is Father’s Day! As we prepare to celebrate our beloved fathers, or perhaps the man who filled that role in your life, let us also remember the ultimate Father … God the Father of Jesus, and what He has done for us. Many of our residents who come to our doors have no […]
May 8th, 2020
Many of us will be celebrating Mother’s Day a little differently, this year. We are all going through changes and adjusting to this new normal, but the hard work and strength of a mother does not change and deserves to be honored. During these uncertain times, we must find new ways to show our appreciation […]
April 30th, 2020
Thank you so much for your prayers and support during this unusual time in our world, nation and city. I pray that during this time you have found comfort in knowing that God is in control, and He has a plan for each of us as we make our way through this pandemic. At the […]
April 16th, 2020
During these uncertain times, some people may find it hard to trust God and His plans for the future. At the Star of Hope Mission, many of our residents entered our doors feeling that same sense of hopelessness … unsure of what the future holds. But in times like this, it is reassuring to know […]
April 8th, 2020
This is a special time in history, as we are in the middle of Holy Week, when our Lord made his journey to the cross of Calvary, was crucified for our sins, and rose again on the third day in victory! Through His suffering, He provided forgiveness for our sins and a future home with […]
March 13th, 2020
At Star of Hope we have been closely monitoring developments related to COVID-19. Thankfully, while there have been no cases to date at Star of Hope, we are taking the situation seriously. The safety and well-being of our residents and the staff members who serve them is, as always, our number one priority, and, following […]
February 13th, 2020
Jesus is restoring lives at the Star of Hope Mission! Every day, broken people come to our doors because they are tired of living apart from God. At the Star of Hope, their physical needs are met and God rebuilds their lives on His solid foundation. I would love to share one of our resident’s […]
February 6th, 2020
Last week at our Women and Family Development Center’s Commencement Ceremony, we celebrated nine women who were recognized for completing various Star of Hope educational programs. It is an amazing feeling witnessing the life transformation our residents achieve through Star of Hope Mission’s Personal, Professional, and Spiritual Development Programs.   When homeless women and children […]
January 23rd, 2020
Next month we will celebrate the Star of Hope Annual Banquet scheduled for Tuesday, February 25 at the Hilton Americas Hotel. We hope you will join us! I would like to thank our Host Committee Chairs, Donna and Mike Bahorich, for their assistance with this year’s event and their ongoing support of Star of Hope. […]
December 20th, 2019
Christmas will be here soon, and it is great to see everyone’s joyful spirits! We can get so busy during the holidays … time spent decorating, gift shopping, with friends and preparing for family visits. But like you, I try to savor the moments of Joy and Thankfulness to God for the amazing gift of […]
October 29th, 2019
Star of Hope has been a helping hand to Houston’s homeless for 112 years. Just when they hit rock bottom and feel like giving up, God redirects their paths and brings them here for a closer relationship with Him and a new life. I’d like to share with you a beautiful story about a woman […]
October 29th, 2019
Macle was born in New Orleans to a loving mother, but his father was incarcerated when he was 7 years old. “My mom did her best raising me and my brother as a single parent … teaching us in the Word of God from a very young age.” Macle was 15 when Hurricane Katrina hit […]
October 9th, 2019
I find it so inspiring to see how God changes the lives of our residents at the Star of Hope. Many of them have endured things that I can’t even imagine, but I believe God has a plan to bring us closer to Him and ultimately make us stronger. I’d like to share with you […]
October 3rd, 2019
At the Star of Hope, we see wonderful stories of how God has brought hope to our residents’ lives. I believe no one is brought to Star of Hope by mistake, and this is apparent in their testimonies. Some life experiences are truly remarkable. We’ve all heard the stories of Jesus healing the sick and […]
September 18th, 2019
Life changes are made at the Star of Hope. Many of our residents have endured traumatic experiences and come to our doors in need of help. It’s difficult to understand the hardships God has us go through, but we soon realize it took a difficult situation to bring us closer to Him and ultimately make […]
September 5th, 2019
As children head back to school they enter the classroom with new shoes, school supplies, and uniforms. This is common for the first day of school and is the foundation to having a successful beginning. Unfortunately, there are some parents who cannot afford to provide their children with these basic necessities … especially homeless families. […]
August 22nd, 2019
At the Star of Hope, our desire is to heal the broken, teach them life skills and the importance of trusting in God, especially during hard times. Instead of putting faith in God, some of our residents tried to handle things on their own and ended up on the streets. A particular story comes to […]
August 7th, 2019
When we think of all the hurting people who enter Star of Hope Mission, we often wonder what or who led them to our doors. I believe everything happens for a reason and God uses various people or situations in our lives to direct our paths. A story of a young man named Talton reassures […]
July 31st, 2019
Lives are changed every day at the Star of Hope. By the grace of God and with your generous gifts, we assist individuals at their most vulnerable and help them get back on the right track to live productive, God-filled lives. I wanted to share one of our resident’s life changing story with you … […]
July 16th, 2019
At Star of Hope we see single mothers come into our facility broken and defeated. They need help providing for their children and are in search of hope. Through educational, personal development, and biblical classes, we can help our residents get on their feet, make positive life changes, and most importantly build a relationship with […]
June 26th, 2019
Summer is finally here! For children, that means a break from school and more time for fun in the sun! Soon our Star of Hope children will be heading to camp where they will spend time fishing, swimming, horseback riding and participating in activities that will share the truth of the Gospel and teach the […]
June 19th, 2019
Last Friday, Star of Hope’s Youth Ministry, in partnership with Hope for Youth and Homemade Hope, held our 2019 Teen Graduation Celebration Banquet! This year we had the pleasure of celebrating 12 teens who accomplished this great milestone, 11 with aspirations for college and one teen with plans to attend culinary school. This year’s graduates […]
June 5th, 2019
Birthdays are a great time to reflect and celebrate a new year of life. It is also a time of gift giving and making someone’s wish come true. Do you recall a birthday wish you had that was intangible? Something that could have a meaningful and lasting positive impact on your life? We recently had […]
May 9th, 2019
When I think of a mother, I think of what it means to be selfless, caring, and nurturing. I think of the true meaning of unconditional love … a mother’s love. Mother’s Day is coming up this week, and it brings me joy to know that our loving mothers will be pampered this special Sunday. […]
May 2nd, 2019
Last week at Star of Hope’s Women and Family Development Center, we were blessed to celebrate 10 women who were recognized for completing educational programs! Held in our Hope Chapel, these commencement ceremonies are a great opportunity to get a true understanding of what our residents have endured, how God has changed their lives, and […]
April 17th, 2019
Easter will soon be here! This Sunday will be a day to remember and reflect on God’s promise and the Good News of Jesus Christ! As we celebrate this holy week, I pray we all can share the joy of Easter and the good news with those in need of hope. At Star of Hope Mission, we encounter […]
March 28th, 2019
Have you ever fallen on hard times and felt alone? I believe God allows us to go through storms in order to strengthen us and draw us closer to Him. Many of the residents at Star of Hope Mission have fallen on hard times, in need of hope and a savior. They come to our […]
March 7th, 2019
The message of restoration and peace is what we share every day with all who come to the Star of Hope Mission. It’s our goal that once they have overcome their immediate crisis situation, they will choose to stay with us, long enough to receive the help they need to achieve independent living once again. […]
February 28th, 2019
At Star of Hope Mission, our goal is to help our residents through their immediate crisis situation, then to find or renew their faith in Christ, and eventually achieve independent living once again. A gentleman by the name of Jon is a perfect example of how change can happen. Jon met Jesus in the Star […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
February 14th, 2019
I’m truly inspired by how God uses the Star of Hope and its supporters to touch lives. People are led to our doors in need of assistance, to get on the right path to a better life. I love when I meet people who have volunteered and donated to the Star of Hope because they […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
February 7th, 2019
How do I give hope to others? This is a question I think we should ask ourselves and strive to accomplish every day. I would like to share a story with you, one that captures how the simplest things can bring others the hope they desperately need. Last Friday, staff members from Andersen Tax took […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
January 24th, 2019
In three weeks, we will once again celebrate the Star of Hope Annual Banquet scheduled for Friday, February 15 at the Hilton Americas Hotel. We hope you will join us! I would like to thank our Host Committee Chairs Marian and Willie Langston for their steadfast support of Star of Hope and this year’s event. […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
January 10th, 2019
Happy New Year! I hope your year is off to a great start! For many of us, a new year brings self-reflection, resolutions, and new opportunities. At Star of Hope Mission, the New Year also brings hope and a new start at life for many of our residents and Outreach clients. Last month was very […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
December 6th, 2018
Christmas time is such a wonderful time of the year. Each year, we enjoy wonderful Christmas music, homes are decorated with Christmas lights abound, and we ponder the great message of the Gospel; God’s amazing gift of His son, Jesus … to US. The Gospel is a wonderful reminder of God’s grace and mercy over […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
November 20th, 2018
The season of Thanksgiving and joy is here! Each year November brings the holiday season, with our celebration of Thanksgiving this month and then the celebration of Jesus’ birth in December at Christmas. I don’t know about you, but this is my favorite time of the year! The holidays are full of time with family […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
October 24th, 2018
When most people think of the homeless, they think of a man on the street holding a sign. The harsh reality is that the homeless are not only men but women and children too. These are the people we serve at Star of Hope Mission. Although, the face of homelessness has changed our goal to […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
October 18th, 2018
Many of our residents come to Star of Hope with a desire to change their lives. Many struggle with this desire, but my prayers are to help them reach their goals to grow in Christ and to succeed in life. Success stories are continuous reminders of why I love being here at Star of Hope. […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
September 11th, 2018
A few months ago, Donnie walked into Star of Hope Mission with his 3-year-old son. Donnie is one of a small, but growing number of single, homeless fathers who want their children to have a better life than they did. Star of Hope’s Women & Family Development Center at its Cornerstone Community® transformational campus is […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
September 6th, 2018
Back-to-School season is underway! There’s always a sense of excitement and anticipation for what the new school year will bring … both for the students and their parents. These first days of school represent a new beginning and a promise of great things to come. Our children and teens at Star of Hope Mission were […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
August 23rd, 2018
This Saturday will mark the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey, an event that changed the lives of so many in our area. It also marks the one-year anniversary of Star of Hope Mission’s new Women and Family Development Center at its Cornerstone Community® transformational campus. Having opened it just two days before the storm, we’d […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
August 9th, 2018
This month was filled with many blessings for the children staying at Star of Hope. Our children’s staff were diligent in their efforts to create fun-filled and educational activities for them. The highlight: attending Summer Camp! Thanks to the support of a generous sponsor, 67 children, aged 6 to 12, went to camp! Each child […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
August 3rd, 2018
This month marks the one-year anniversary since Star of Hope moved all its women and family services to the Women and Family Development Center located at Star of Hope’s Cornerstone Community® transformational campus. It also marks the one-year anniversary since Hurricane Harvey swept through Houston. Both these events occurred within days of each other. Today, […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
August 2nd, 2018
Recently, we celebrated 47 families moving from Star of Hope Mission‘s Women and Family Development Center at Cornerstone Community® transformational campus into our recently developed and implemented New Heights program. This new program provides permanent supportive housing in cooperation with our agency partner, New Hope Housing at Reed. The New Heights program is focused on families […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
June 21st, 2018
Every year Star of Hope Mission holds a commencement ceremony for the teens who have graduated from high school and are preparing for the new chapter in their lives. This year, we had the pleasure of celebrating 16 teens who accomplished this great milestone, 14 with aspirations for college, one teen to receive a professional […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
June 7th, 2018
What child doesn’t love the start of summer? The school year is behind them, and they are looking forward to time spent with friends and family hanging out at the pool, going to camp, barbecuing and a host of other activities and events. But what may seem like simple summer treasures for some, are out […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
May 23rd, 2018
I’m truly inspired by how God touches lives. The story shared by one Star of Hope resident continues to dwell in my heart because it is a strong testament to how God can take a life … broken from a series of tragic events… and transform it through the power of His love. Ten years […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
May 10th, 2018
As we celebrate our mothers this Mother’s Day, I am especially appreciative of the Mother’s Day Luncheon held this week at our Women and Family Development Center. It was a fun afternoon hosted by the Trees of Hope organization, which has been supporting Star of Hope for 28 years. More than 50 of our mothers […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
April 26th, 2018
Ever since Star of Hope’s Extended Services program was launched in 2012, the team has been thinking and working “outside the box” to create innovative and powerful ways to minister to those in need. The scope of their services extends from outreach to the near homeless and those already living on the streets to permanent […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
April 12th, 2018
Last month at Star of Hope’s Cornerstone Community®, we were blessed to celebrate 14 women who were recognized for completing educational programs at our new Women and Family Development Center. When Star of Hope transitioned to the new campus last fall, we began holding our residents’ commencement ceremonies in Star of Hope’s new Hope Chapel. […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
March 29th, 2018
At Star of Hope, we see broken and desperate lives every day. The world is telling them they are not good enough, and that they do not measure up to the standards of our society. Many are at rock bottom with literally no one else to turn to for help. But when they come to […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
March 8th, 2018
Every day, men who come to the Men’s Development Center are tired of living in misery apart from God. Through worship services, Bible studies and prayer, they turn their lives around. Their physical needs are met, and the chains of addiction and life-long destructive habits break as they yield to the love and care of […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
February 22nd, 2018
Living on the streets can rob a person of many things. Generally, the first to go is personal hygiene and soon after that, the alienation sets in. The lack of personal hygiene can cause others to shun and shy away when what is needed most is a personal connection, a smile, a simple “hello.” Kenneth […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
February 7th, 2018
What a great evening at the “Spark New Beginnings” Star of Hope Annual Banquet Tuesday night! Thank you so much to all our friends who could be with us as we celebrated the work God is doing through our ministries including our Extended Services Team and programs for men, women and families. If you were […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
January 11th, 2018
Start the New Year out with New Beginnings! In a few weeks, it will be time for the Star of Hope Annual Banquet scheduled for Tuesday, February 6 at the Hilton Americas Hotel, featuring the very talented musical group Newsboys! Star of Hope has so much to be thankful for, in particular our supporters who […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
December 19th, 2017
December is moving so fast, it’s hard to believe … Christmas is next week! It seems time speeds up and the days go faster during the last two months of the year. And ready or not, Christmas is here! Christmas music is on the radio, rejoicing in the birth of our Saviour!  Everyone seems happier […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
December 8th, 2017
Christmas is almost here, and it’s great to see everyone’s spirits are joyful! Homes are decorated, and Christmas lights abound! This joyful time of the year is much needed after we all experienced the tragedy of Hurricane Harvey in some way. These past few months have been no exception to what is always the busiest […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
October 18th, 2017
Have you ever wondered why you have a heart for the homeless? When you see homeless people on the streets in Houston, with the look of hopelessness in their eyes, you are quickly reminded of why you desire to help those in need. Not everyone has that same desire, but we can encourage them to […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
October 4th, 2017
Greetings to each of you, this first week of October 2017! Wow…what a wild ride all of us in Houston and South Texas have been on this past month, via Hurricane Harvey! Many of you, our fellow friends have been impacted with flooding, and our prayers are with each and all of you as you […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
August 24th, 2017
Oh glorious day! After five years of envisioning, planning, and construction we have opened the doors of the Women and Family Development Center at Star of Hope’s Cornerstone Community℠ transformational campus! It has been so rewarding to see our community come together and support this project through their financial giving, volunteerism and prayer. We could […]
Star of Hope Mission Ending homelessness ... one life, one family at a time.
July 20th, 2017
Great things are happening at Star of Hope Mission! The summer will soon be coming to a close and the children in our family centers will be returning from camp before heading back to school in a couple of weeks. Camp for these kids is such a blessing, for many it is their first outdoors […]
June 21st, 2017
Every year Star of Hope Mission holds a graduation celebration for the teens who have finished high school and are preparing for the next chapter in their lives. This year we had the pleasure of celebrating 12 of our teens who graduated from high school and are following their dreams to continue their professional journey! […]
May 10th, 2017
Mother’s Day is coming up this week … Sunday, May 14! In preparation for that, one of my favorite events for our children here at Star of Hope Mission was held last week at our Transitional Living Center for all of our moms and their children. It was a fun afternoon hosted by Trees of […]
April 26th, 2017
At a recent Star of Hope Transitional Living Center Commencement Ceremony, we were blessed to celebrate 16 women who were recognized for completing various Star of Hope educational programs! When women and children in our city find themselves homeless, they need a safe place to stay and help in putting their lives back together. Many […]
April 11th, 2017
Here at Star of Hope, we see broken and hopeless people walk through our front doors every day. They are desperate and have been searching for different ways to fill a void only God can. Thousands come to us who are at rock bottom and literally have no one else to turn to for help. […]
March 31st, 2017
I am an expecting mother and as I was working on my registry, I realized how expensive diapers were. I knew for my 30th birthday that I would want to help several people in need in some way and came up with the idea to help at least 30 struggling mothers by donating a box […]
March 30th, 2017
As we look forward to Easter, join us in celebrating Jesus and His rebuilding of lives at the Star of Hope. This year's Annual Banquet “All Things New”, paid tribute to Star of Hope’s 110th anniversary and previewed what lies ahead for this blessed mission. God has provided for us through the years and continues […]
March 9th, 2017
As you may know, Star of Hope Mission celebrated its 110th anniversary at our Annual Banquet last month. We had the pleasure of hearing Tyson share his wonderful testimony of how his life was headed in the wrong direction, but God’s love and grace turned his situation around! With His continuous favor and wonderful supporters […]
May 12th, 2016
Chandra fell deep. By age 21 she was in an abusive marriage with two children and using drugs. By age 32 she had four children and was completely addicted, doing whatever it took to get her fix. “I went through several jobs, cars, and homes. My kids were shuffled around from place to place and […]
April 13th, 2016
Before coming to Star of Hope, Ty and her mom were living in an apartment together. Money was tight, but they were getting by, living paycheck to paycheck. Ty said she thought everything was just fine. And from the outside, they did look fine. After all, they had a place to call home and were […]