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Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions

Each day, more than 1,000 homeless men, women and children come through our doors for help. Many arrive with little more than the clothes on their backs. Without the support of wonderful volunteers and community partners, Star of Hope could never meet their wide variety of needs. This, in turn, provides a wide array of service opportunities. Some volunteers work directly with clients – some with adults, others with teens and tweens, and still others with our children, infants through elementary school age. Other volunteers prefer service opportunities that are behind the scenes or administrative.

Volunteers often ask, “I’m happy to help wherever you need me. Where do you need help the most?” However, our goal is to find opportunities that best suit our volunteers’ individual interests, skills, talents and availability. That’s a “win” for everyone!

Volunteers can make a difference in the lives of others without making a huge time commitment! One-time projects and special events are perfect for tight, jam-packed schedules. A short, two-hour breakfast shift at our Women & Family Development Center begins a busy work or school day with the great feeling of having helped others!

Offsite projects eliminate drive and away time while blessing those in need. Hosting donation drives and making Hope Bags are excellent ways help meet the basic needs of our clients and share our mission with those around you without investing a lot of time.

Creating Notes of Encouragement can turn a coffee break or a rainy Saturday afternoon into a meaningful volunteer experience.

Of course, Star of Hope also offers exciting High Impact opportunities for volunteers who can make a regular, ongoing (usually weekly) commitment.

Yes! Star of Hope offers service opportunities before work, after work, on the weekends and through offsite projects and special events.

Star of Hope offers a wide variety of onsite and offsite opportunities for volunteers of all ages - there is something for everyone! However, since an exceptional volunteer experience depends on an age-appropriate service opportunity, we have specific age requirements in place for each placement or project. In several cases, the age requirements are set by licensing or compliance regulations.

All volunteers who are younger than 16 must be accompanied by a parent, school sponsor, church pastor, etc. for the entire duration of the volunteer project.

A sincere, heart-led desire to serve the homeless, along with a big, bright smile and compassionate, encouraging words, are the most important qualifications for Star of Hope volunteers. You will receive training and have your questions answered before beginning your assignment. A few areas - such as tutoring, class facilitation, mentoring and providing professional expertise - do require training, specific skills, degrees, licenses and/or certifications.

We want every volunteer to feel comfortable, so training is tailored to each specific assignment. Some assignments require little more than a brief overview, simple instructions and/or safety reminders while other assignments require extensive training that’s accomplished over time. One-time projects typically require very little training. If you have questions, please ask. The Volunteer Services team is always a great resource and glad to help with any questions you might have.

If you would like to volunteer at Star of Hope with your family and friends, we would love to visit with you. The discussion will include information about your group size; the ages of your volunteers; the type of project and time-frame you have in mind; your availability; and the resources you are able to provide.

If your family includes younger children, Snacks & Goodnight was developed especially for families just like yours! It provides meaningful, age-appropriate volunteer engagement for younger children and has become one of our most popular projects.

We work with many different types of organizations throughout the year, and each one is a tremendous blessing to the clients we serve. If your organization would like to volunteer at Star of Hope, we would love to visit with you. The discussion will include information about your group size; the ages of your volunteers; the type of project and time-frame you have in mind; your availability; and the resources you are able to provide.

While we appreciate parents who want to teach their children the value and joy of helping others, play dates are not possible. Star of Hope’s childcare is both state licensed and nationally accredited.

A wonderful project for volunteers of any age, Snacks & Goodnight was developed especially for volunteer families with younger children. It provides meaningful, age-appropriate volunteer engagement for younger children and has become one of our most popular projects.

Our guidelines prohibit us from working with either adult or juvenile volunteers who must perform community service mandated by the court system. This also includes community service that is frequently recommended by legal counsel prior to court appearances. As well as students who must complete disciplinary service hours required by school sanctions.

Criminal history is just one of the criteria we consider when evaluating candidates and selecting volunteers. Determination is made on a case-by-case basis. Criminal history background screening is mandatory for all Children’s Services Volunteers, mentors and interns.

The time it takes to get started depends on a number of factors specific to each individual volunteer. Some volunteers can begin within a few days. With so many available shifts and dates, one-time volunteers who want to assist with a meal (our most popular project) can be scheduled almost immediately. It may take a little longer for volunteers who are required to attend orientation and training or whose projects take planning time. However, Star of Hope values your time, service, and partnership with our mission. We will move forward to get you started as quickly as possible and nationally accredited.

To make your service here as fruitful and enjoyable as possible, Star of Hope has developed volunteer standards and guidelines which are published in our Volunteer Handbook. These are designed to answer many of your questions about the practices and policies of Star of Hope - such as what you can expect from Star of Hope and what Star of Hope expects from you. While volunteering at Star of Hope, we ask that you carefully observe these standards and guidelines.

The following is a brief overview of our guidelines:

  1.  Please dress comfortably, but conservatively. No short shorts, tank tops or flip flops! Jeans, t-shirts and tennis shoes are appropriate for most volunteer activities. All shoes must have closed-in toes and heels. All shirts must have sleeves. Shorts cannot be more than 2 inches above the knee. No shorts are allowed at the Men’s Development Center or in any of our kitchens. Group leaders should be prepared and have extra clothing items on-hand for members who arrive inappropriately dressed.
  2.  If you are scheduled to volunteer in any Star of Hope kitchen, please bring a hairnet or baseball cap. Due to City of Houston Health Department regulations, we will strictly enforce the dress code. Inappropriately dressed volunteers may not be able to participate in the project. If even one volunteer is not in compliance with the dress code, Star of Hope is in violation of the City ordinances and can be cited.
  3.  Be faithful in fulfilling your commitment. If you must cancel, please let us know as early as possible.
  4.  Since all projects are scheduled for a specific number of volunteers, we must know prior to your arrival if the number of volunteers changes. If you bring extra volunteers, we will not have staff available to provide additional, unscheduled projects.
  5.  Do not give gifts, rides or money to clients.
  6.  Notify Volunteer Services in advance of any press releases, anticipated cameras or possible media coverage. Volunteer opportunities may be cancelled if proper notice is not provided.
  7.  Photography is not allowed without the explicit permission and/or authorization of Star of Hope staff. However, you are always welcome to take photographs of your group in our Visitors’ Lobby and/or Donation Center.
  8. Please sign-in at the kiosk, typically located at the front desk, when you arrive and be sure to sign-out when you leave.
  9.  Unless arrangements were made when scheduling your project, please do not bring food or snacks for our clients. We do, however, always appreciate your non-perishable food donations for our kitchens.
  10.  All tobacco products - including smoked and smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes - are banned from all Star of Hope locations and while representing our mission.
  11.  Star of Hope prohibits the possession or use of dangerous weapons on Mission property. Licensed handgun holders may not enter Mission property with a handgun that is carried openly or concealed. Licensed handgun holders may store that handgun in a locked, privately-owned vehicle in a Mission parking lot.
  12.  Each volunteer is a vital ministry partner! We want to answer your questions. Please be sure to ask.

Photography is NOT permitted. Volunteers are expected to respect the privacy and confidentiality of our clients and may not photograph any client.

If you are hosting a special event for our clients and would like photographs taken during the event, you must make arrangements in advance with either our Volunteer Services Department. Please work with our Director of Public Relations if you plan to issue a press release or expect media coverage of your event.

Please dress comfortably, but conservatively. Jeans, t-shirts and tennis shoes are appropriate for most volunteer activities. Occasionally, depending on the assignment, business or business casual wear will be the most appropriate attire.

No short shorts, tank tops or flip flops! All shoes must have closed-in toes and heels. All shirts must have sleeves. Shorts cannot be more than 2 inches above the knee. No shorts are allowed at the Men’s Development Center or in any of our kitchens. Group leaders should be prepared and have extra clothing items on-hand for members who arrive inappropriately dressed.

If you are scheduled to volunteer in any Star of Hope kitchen, we will provide an apron and gloves. If you prefer not to wear a hairnet, which we will provide, please bring a baseball cap. Due to City of Houston Health Department regulations, we will strictly enforce the dress code. Inappropriately dressed volunteers may not be able to participate in the project. If even one volunteer is not in compliance with the dress code, Star of Hope is in violation of the City ordinances and can be cited.

We require your date of birth for a couple of reasons. First of all, we have a surprising number of volunteers with the same names. Our system uses date of birth to help identify duplicate records and to recognize the different records of volunteers who share the same name.

Star of Hope also has age requirements for different volunteer assignments. By completing the date of birth field, our system automatically updates a volunteer’s age and opens additional opportunities as a volunteer meets the age requirement.

Churches, corporations and other organizations frequently request a list of their members/employees who volunteer for Star of Hope when considering financial gifts or funding requests. By completing this information, you help provide much needed programs and services for Houston’s homeless men, women and children.

By signing into our website and visiting your volunteer dashboard, you will be able to view and print your service hours from January 2017 and moving forward. Many volunteers will also be able to access reported service hours prior to 2017 through the volunteer dashboard.

We are happy to provide a letter that verifies a volunteer’s reported service hours with the appropriate lead time.