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Department of Program Services


The mission of the Department of Program Services is to develop and maintain a humane environment in which the needs of homeless women and families are met by encouraging positive life changes through the provision of structured programs with focus on education, recovery from mental health disorders and substance abuse, personal development, self-sufficiency, and spiritual growth.



Empower participants in our New Hope-Substance Use Recovery Program, Personal Development Program, and GED/ABE Program with the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed to work in an evolving environment.



The New Hope Program:
Provides an individualized comprehensive evidence-based treatment program that identifies and addresses multiple aspects of a person’s addiction, other co-occurring disorders, and their consequences through our State-Licensed 90-day Intensive, Residential Substance-Use Treatment Program. Services include:


Admission Criteria

  1. Must be free of all drugs and alcohol for at least 7 days.
  2. Must pass the WFDC drugs and alcohol tests before admission and remain abstinent from all intoxicants while residing at WFDC.
  3. Must meet the DSM-V requirements for substance Use Disorders.
  4. Must complete New Hope Program assessment (ASI), clinical interview and be determined eligible and appropriate for the program.


The Personal Development Program:
Provides for the needs of the “whole” person, including mental health, social, legal, educational, and vocational needs by providing the Personal Development Program, a 6-week structured life skills program, and a 10-month ABE/GED program designed to address common life’s challenges that prevent people from reaching their goals. Services include:


General Education Development (GED) Program:
Provides educational opportunities for adults 18 years or older who have not completed high school or who would like assistance with basic education skills. This includes skills and education they need to function in society, on a job, and in the family.

Duration: 10 months or less depending on residents demonstrated commitment and progress.

Components: Educational testing and assessment; classes in math, social studies, reading, writing, comprehension, composition, test preparation, computer education and spiritual development.


Admission Criteria:

  1. Must meet the admission criteria of WFDC
  2. Must successfully complete the WFDC 30-day New Pathway Program.
  3. Must have a minimum score of 7.5 in Reading, Language Arts, Vocabulary, Language Mechanics, Spelling, and a minimum score of 5.5 on Texas Assessment of Basic education (TABE) Test.
  4. Must be able to read, write, and comprehend the English Language.
  5. Must be drugs and alcohol free before admission and during residency at WFDC.