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Please take action to help our desperate neighbors in their darkest hour. Your gift today will give someone emergency help and hope.

Thank you! You are truly a blessing to all here at the Star of Hope!  Men, women and children will smile and find hope because you care!

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From Star of Hope Blogs
Chandra Bowie - Testimonial
God's Plan For Me
February 11, 2016
At our annual Banquet last month, Chandra Bowie shared how her life was changed through the love and care provided to her and her family by Star of Hope Mission ...
Houston Chronicle 2015 box-1.jpg
Star of Hope: Top Houston Workplace
November 12, 2015
Star of Hope has once again been named to "The Houston Chronicle Top Workplaces" list. This list the best places to work in the Houston Metro Area for 2015 ...
Banquet 16 Thank you box-1.jpg
Thank You!
January 27, 2016
Thank you so much to all of our friends who were able to be with us as we celebrated Star of Hope's past, considered its present and introduced its future ...